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Prof. Dr. Michael Boppré

Curriculum vitae

Personal data:
Forstzoologisches Institut
D-79085 Freiburg i.Br.
Tel: +49-7661-93011

E-mail: boppre@fzi.uni-freiburg.de

home-page: http://www.fzi.uni-freiburg.de

1950 - born in Offenbach/Main
1976 - Dipl.-Biol., Philipps-Universität, Marburg/L.
1979 - Dr. rer.nat., Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München
1985 - Dr. rer.nat. habil., Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät III (Biologie und vorklinische Medizin), Universität Regensburg
1979–1981 - Postdoctoral fellow of the Max-Planck-Gesellschaft at the Max-Planck-Institut für Verhaltensphysiologie, Seewiesen
1981–1987 - Research Assistant, Universität Regensburg
1987–1991 - C3-Professor für Biotechnischen Waldschutz at the Forstzoologisches Institut, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Freiburg i.Br.
1990 - Appointment for the Professorship and Chair of Applied Zoology, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität, Bonn; not accepted since1991 - Ordinarius and Director of the Forstzoologisches Institut at the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Freiburg i.Br.

Research Activities:
Biology, physiology, ecology and evolution of chemical communication in insects, particularly in the context of male pheromones in Lepidoptera: morphology and histology of glands, chemistry and biosynthesis of pheromones, ethology, perception of pheromones, relation of sexual communication and chemical defense; mate-finding and mate-choice strategies

Insect-plant relationships, particularly the roles of secondary metabolites of plants for insects; pharmacophagy under functional, ethological, ecophysiological, chemoecological, developmental and phylogenetic aspects; host-recognition mechanisms

Mimicry and masquerade

Biology, physiology, ecology and evolution of chemical defences in insects

Population dynamics; biology and role of parasitoids

Application of secondary plant compounds and pheromones in integrated pest management

Taxonomy, faunistics, cladistics, biodiversity informatics

Ecology of pyrrolizidine alkaloids, including their health risks for humans

Chances and risks associated with butterfly life exhibits

since 1980 Field studies in tropical ecosystems, mainly in Kenia, BĂ©nin, Ghana and Costa Rica, also in Indonesia, the Philippines, Ecuador, Uganda, and South Africa

Teaching Activities:
1981–1986 - Assistant in laboratory courses on systematic zoology, animal physiology, anatomy, morphology and cytology
1983 - International Training Course "Insect Chemoreception" at the International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology, Nairobi, Kenia
1997 - Teacher at a Tropical Biology Association's "Darwin Course in Tropical Biology" (Kibale Forest, Uganda)
since 1987 - Lecturing on forest zoology, ecology, forest entomology and forest protection for Diploma students and in several Bachelor and Master courses
Supervisor of theses for Dipl.-Biol., Dipl.-Forstw., BSc, MSc and Dr. rer.nat.
Invited lectures at Symposia, Congresses and University Departments in Germany and abroad

Honors and Awards:
1986 - Akademie-Preis für Biologie der Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen
1986–1987 - Heisenberg-Stipendiat of the German Science Foundation
1990–2005 - Honorary Research Fellow at The Natural History Museum (Department of Entomology), London.

Other Activities:
since 1980 - Fellow of the Royal Entomological Society, London
1988–1991 - Councilor of the International Society of Chemical Ecology
1990–1996 - Founder and Editor-in-Chief of "Chemoecology – an International Journal Emphasizing Evolutionary Approaches to Chemical Ecology"
1988–1994 - Member of the Special Research Programme "Chemical ecology: behaviour-modifying natural products" of the German Science Foundation
2006 - Establishment of a public utility limited liability company (3MBĂ© gGmbH) to promote research and education in organismic biology
since 2012 - Collaborating Researcher of the Museum Witt, MĂĽnchen
Member of multiple professional organisations
Referee for various journals and reviewer for the German Science Foundation, the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and other organisations.

Full list of papers: http://www.fzi.uni-freiburg.de/de/1111.php

Publications related to taxonomy: