Home :: Museum :: Associate Scientists :: Dr. Verena Witt

Curriculum Vitae

Dr. Verena Witt
Email: v.witt@lrz.uni-muenchen.de

Scientific Interests:
  • General Marine Sciences, Biology and Microbiology
  • Molecular Biology
  • Microbial Ecology
  • Genomics
  • Effects of climate change and pollution on microbial biofilms, sediments sponges, corals
  • Biogeochemistry

  • Education and Research Activities:
    08/2012 - present Postdoctoral researcher
    Ludwig-Maximilians University (LMU) Munich, Germany Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Palaeontology and Geobiology, Molecular Geo- and Palaeobiology LabProf. Dr. Gert Wörheide

    Peer-reviewed Journals
    Witt V. & Wild C. & Uthicke S. 2012. Terrestrial runoff controls bacterial community composition of biofilms along a water quality gradient in the Great Barrier Reef. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 78: 7786.

    Witt V. & Wild C. & Uthicke S. 2012. Interactive climate change and runoff effects alter O2 fluxes and bacterial community composition of coastal biofilms from the Great Barrier Reef. Aquatic Microbial Ecology. 66: 117-131.

    Witt V. & Wild C. & Anthony K.R.N. & Diaz-Pulido G. & Uthicke S. 2011. Effects of ocean acidification on oxygen fluxes through, and microbial community composition of biofilms from the Great Barrier Reef. Environmental Microbiology. 13: 2976-2989.

    Witt V. & Wild C. & Uthicke S. 2011. The effect of substrate type on bacterial community composition in biofilms from the Great Barrier Reef. FEMS Microbiology Letters. 323: 188-195.

    Final Theses
    Witt V. 2012. Effects of disturbances on microbial community composition and activity in biofilms from the Great Barrier Reef. PhD Thesis, Bremen Witt V. 2007. Nuclear Topology of the Bcl11a locus and flanking ultra-conserved sequences in vertebrate development. Diploma thesis, München

    Field Experience:
    2008 - 2010 RV Cape Ferguson
    Research vessel of the Australian Institute of Marine Science 8 x 2 week field trips to the Whitsundays Islands, Central Great Barrier Reef, Australia

    2009 - 2010 RV Apollo and RV Aquila
    Research vessels of the Australian Institute of Marine Science 10 day trips to Magnetic Island

    05/2009 Fieldwork at the Heron Island Research Station (HIRS) Additional Qualifications

    Additional Qualifications:
    2012/13 Teaching experience: Teaching@LMU program seminar for new Bachelor course Wintersemester 2012/2013

    2012 Editorial Services for Applied and Environmental Microbiology and FEMS Microbiology Letters

    2008 PADI Rescue Diver (220 logged dives, 100 logged scientific dives), Australian boating and radio license

    2004/05 Certifications in Patent- und trademark protection law for natural sciences

    Global Change and the World’s Coral Reefs:This is a video made by Jennifer Kanter on behalf of a major project on coral reefs supported by the World Bank, GEF and University of Queensland. See the full details of the project:climateshifts.org
    (by climateshiftsvideo)