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„The Witt Catalogue - A taxonomic Atlas of the Eurasian Noctuoidea”

László Ronkay (Department of Zoology, Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest) and Gábor Ronkay (Budapest) with thomas J. Witt (chief-editor) are the editorial board of this „Iconography of all Eurasian and North African species of the superfamily Noctuoidea (Lepidoptera)“. The area to be covered includes all parts of Eurasia (except Papua New Guinea), the Canary Isles and the Azores, and countries of North Africa adjacent to the Mediterranean Sea.

László Ronkay

Gabor Ronkay

The series of ca 60 volumes - each containing about 100-150 species -is published in English language and is planned to be published within the forthcoming 25 years. A new homepage was created for this project and will deliver detailed information in future: http://www.heterocera.hu