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Vadim V. Zolotuhin

Curriculum vitae

e-Email: v.zolot@mail.ru

Ich wurde am 15. Juni 1967 in der Stadt Uljanowsk (Russland, Uljanowsker Gebiet) geboren. 1984 habe ich die 10. Klasse der Mittelschule mit der Goldmedaille beendet und im selben Jahr an der Paedagogischen Hochschule Uljanowsk (seit 1992 - Universitaet) die Faecher Biologie und Chemie belegt. Dort habe ich bis 1988 studiert, danach habe ich mich nach Sankt Petersburg versetzen lassen, um mich an der Staatlichen Universitaet Sankt Petersburg an der Fakultaet fuer Biologie und dem Lehrstuhl fuer Entomologie weiter zu spezialisieren.

Seit September 1991 bin ich Lehrer an der paedagogischen Universitaet Uljanowsk am Lehrstuhl fuer Zoologie und unterrichte Zoologie der wirbellosen Tiere, Cytologie und Genetik fuer Studenten der Fakultaet fuer Biologie. Seit Oktober 1999 bin ich Dozent.

In Dezember 1991 habe ich in der Aspirantur beim Lehrstuhl fuer Entomologie der Staatlichen Universitaet Sankt Petersburg belegt. Die habe ich 1994 beendet und meine Dissertationsarbeit "Die Lasiocampiden (Lepidoptera,Lasiocampoidea) der Palaearktis" erfolgreich abgeschlossen. Von August 1994 bis Juli 1995 hatte ich ein einjahriges Stipendium des Deutschen Akademischen Austauschdienstes beim Forschungsinstitut und Museum Alexander Koenig (Bonn), wo ich über chinesische Lasiocampidae arbeitete. Im Herbst 1997 folgte ein dreimonatiger Studienaufenthalt am selben Institut aufgrund eines Stipendiums der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft. Heute beschäftige ich mich mit palaearktischen und afrikanischen Lasiocampidae und Bombycidae und mit der Lepidoptera-Fauna des Mittleren Volga-Gebietes.

List of scientific publications:

Zolotuhin V.V. 1989. To a study of the Lepidoptera, Lasiocampidae of the fauna of the USSR. Uspekhi entomologii v SSSR.Proc.- Congr.All-Union entomol.Soc, Leningrad, 11-15 September 1989. 164-165.

Zolotuhin V.V. 1991. To a systematic position of the lasiocampids of the genus Phyllodesma Hbn.(Lepidoptera, Lasiocampidae) from Siberia. Vestnik LGU, 3, ?. 17: 126-129.

Zolotuhin V.V. 1991. On new and little-known Lasiocampidae (Lepidoptera) from Armenia, USSR. Atalanta (Marktleuthen/Wurzburg). 22(2/4): 117-123.

Dubatolov V.V. & Zolotuhin V.V. 1992. A list of the Lasiocampidae (Lepidoptera) from the territory of the former USSR. Atalanta (Marktleuthen/Wurzburg). 23(3/4): 531-548.

Zolotuhin V.V. 1992. An annotated checklist of the Lasiocampidae of the Russian Far East. Atalanta (Marktleuthen/Wurzburg). 23(3/4): 499-517.

Zolotuhin V.V. 1992. An annotated checklist of the Lasiocampidae of "European Russia". Atalanta (Marktleuthen/Wurzburg). 23(3/4): 519-529.

Zolotuhin V.V. 1992. Lasiocampids of a franconicum-group (Malacosoma; Lasiocampidae, Lepidoptera) of the fauna of the USSR.Part 1. Vestnik StPBGU,. 3(1): 25-33.

Zolotuhin V.V. 1992. On Bhima potanini Alpheraky, 1895, as one of the underservedly forgotten species of Lasiocampidae (Lepidoptera). Atalanta (Marktleuthen/Wurzburg). 23(1/2): 219-224.

Zolotuhin V.V. 1992. An annotated checklist of the Lasiocampidae (Lepidoptera) of Caucasus. Atalanta (Marktleuthen/Wurzburg). 23(1/2): 225-243.

Zolotuhin V.V. 1992. Baodera gen.nov.for Trichiura khasiana Moore (Lepidoptera, Lasiocampidae). Atalanta (Marktleuthen/Wurzburg). 23(3/4): 491-493.

Zolotuhin V.V. 1992. On the types of Lasiocampidae (Lepidoptera) described by F.Bryk. Atalanta (Marktleuthen/Wurzburg). 23(3/4): 495-498.

Zolotuhin V.V. & Dubatolov V.V. 1992. A new species of Lasiocampidae (Lepidoptera) from Tajikistan. Atalanta (Marktleuthen/Wurzburg). 23(1/2): 215-217.

Anikin V.V. & Sachkov S.A. & Zolotuhin V.V. 1993. “Fauna lepidopterologica Volgo-Uralensis” 150 years later: changes and additions.Part 1.Rhopalocera. Atalanta. 24(1/2): 89-120.

Zolotuhin V.V. 1993. On Diplura argentifera Hering (Lepidoptera, Lasiocampidae). Vestnik StPBGU,. 3: 108-110.

Kostjuk I.Yu. & Zolotuhin V.V. 1994. To a fauna of the mongolian Phyllodesma Hbn.(Lepidoptera, Lasiocampidae). Atalanta (Marktleuthen/Wurzburg). 25(1/2): 297-305.

Lukhtanov V.A. & Zolotuhin V.V. & Beliakova N.A. & Eitschberger U. & Kandul N. 1994. Die karyologische und morphologische Begruendung der Artselbstaendigkeit von Euproctis kohistana spec.nov.aus Tadschikistan (Lepidoptera, Lymantriidae). Atalanta (Marktleuthen/Wurzburg). 25(3/4): 543-557.

Stekolnikov A.A. & Zolotuhin V.V. 1994. Phylogenetic position of subfamilies of the palaearctic Lasiocampidae (Lepidoptera) based on sceletion and musculature of male genitalia. Vestnik StPBGU. 3(1): 26-32.

Tschistjakov Ju.A. & Zolotuhin V.V. 1994. Lasiocampids of the genus Poecilocampa Steph.(Lepidoptera, Lasiocampidae) from Russia and adjoining territories. Entomol.Obozr. 73(2): 321-330.

Zolotuhin V.V. 1994. To biology and morphology of Sphingonaepiopsis kuldjaensis Graeser (Lepidoptera, Sphingidae). Atalanta (Marktleuthen/Wurzburg). 25(1/2): 245-259.

Zolotuhin V.V. 1994. New and little-known species of lasiocampids of the genus Phyllodesma Hbn.(Lepidoptera, Lasiocampidae). Entomol.Obozr. 73(1): 136-143.

Zolotuhin V.V. 1994. To a fauna of the Mongolian Lepidoptera (Macrolepidoptera). Actias. 1(1/2): 121-123.

Zolotuhin V.V. 1994. A finding of Pheosia grummi (Christoph, 1885) (Lepidoptera, Notodontidae) in Ciscaucasus. Actias. 1(1/2): 124.

Zolotuhin V.V. 1994. The Lemoniidae of the Caucasus (Lemoniidae, Lepidoptera). Zool.Zhurn. 73(2): 94-101.

Zolotuhin V.V. 1994. New and little-known Lepidoptera Heterocera (Lasiocampidae, Nolidae) of a fauna of Russia and adjoining territories. Zool.Zhurn. 73(10): 62-71.

Zolotuhin V.V. 1994. Materials on a Lepidopterofauna of the Uljanovsk Region.Part 1.Rhopalocera. In: Priroda Uljanovskoj oblasti.Vol.5.Nasekomye Uljanovskoj oblasti, (pp. 60-81), Uljanovsk.

Isajev A.Yu. & Zolotuhin V.V. 1995. To a fauna of Heteroptera Pentatomoidea: Coptosomatidae, Acanthosomatidae, Cydnidae, Scutellaridae, Pentatomidae of the Uljanovsk Region. In: Priroda Uljanovskoj oblasti.Vol.5.Nasekomye Uljanovskoj oblasti, (pp. 11-20), Uljanovsk.

Sviridov A.V. & Zolotuhin V.V. 1995. Materials on the Noctuidae-fauna of the Uljanovsk Region.Part 1. In: Priroda Uljanovskoj oblasti, Vol.6, part 2, (pp. 76-91), , .

Zolotuhin V.V. 1995. Materials on a Lepidopterofauna of the Uljanovsk Region.Part 2.Bombyces et Sphinges. In: Priroda Uljanovskoj oblasti.Vol.6, (pp. 58-75), Uljanovsk.

Zolotuhin V.V. 1995. An annotated checklist of the Lasiocampidae of Kazakhstan and Middle Asia (Lepidoptera). Atalanta (Marktleuthen/Wurzburg). 26(1/2): 273-290.

Zolotuhin V.V. 1995. To a study of asiatic Lasiocampidae (Lepidoptera).1.The Lasiocampidae of Thailand.- Japan Heterocerists` Journal. Tinea (Tokyo). 14(3): 157-170.

Zolotuhin V.V. & Isajev A.Yu. & Isajeva V.B. 1995. To a study of an entomofauna of steppes of the Uljanovsk Region. In: Priroda Uljanovskoj oblasti.Vol.5.Nasekomye Uljanovskoj oblasti, (pp. 5-10), Uljanovsk.

Zolotuhin V.V. 1996. To a study of asiatic Lasiocampidae (Lepidoptera).2.On the status of Stenophylloides javanus Draeseke, 1941. Atalanta (Marktleuthen/ Wurzburg). 27(1/2): 335-338.

Zolotuhin V.V. 1996. Thumata monochroa spec.nov., a new species of arctiid moths from south-eastern Kasakhstan (Lepidoptera, Arctiidae). Atalanta (Marktleuthen/ Wurzburg). 27(1/2): 339-341.

Zolotuhin V.V. 1996. Notes on Chinese Lepidoptera (Lasiocampidae, Endromididae, Bombycidae) with a description of a new species. Nachr.entomol.Ver.Apollo (Frankfurt am Main). 16(14): 373-386.

Zolotuhin V.V. 1996. To a study of asiatic Lasiocampidae.3.Short taxonomic notes on Genus Paralebeda Aurivillius, 1894 (Lepidoptera). Entomofauna (Zeitschrift fuer Entomologie). 17(13): 245-256.

Eitschberger U. & Zolotuhin V.V. 1997. Die Gattung Dolbina Staudinger, 1877 mit der Beschreibung eines neuen Subgenus Elegodolba subgen.nov.(Lepidoptera, Sphingidae). Atalanta (Marktleuthen/Wurzburg). 28(1/2): 135-144.

Eitschberger U. & Zolotuhin V.V. 1997. Choerocampa suellus sibirica nom.nov.et comb.nov.pro Pergesa porcellus porca O.Bang-Haas, 1927 (Lepidoptera, Sphingidae). Atalanta (Marktleuthen/Wurzburg). 28(1/2): 145.

Isajev A.Yu. & Maslennikov A.V. & Zolotuhin V.V. & Isajeva V.B. 1997. Landscape natural object "Najanovka". In: Natural reservations of the Uljanovsk Region, (pp. 105-108), Uljanovsk.

Zolotuhin V.V. 1997. New and little-known Lepidoptera (Carposinidae, Drepanidae, Thyatyridae) of a fauna of Russia and adjoining territories. Zool.Zhurn. 76(3): 304-311.

Zolotuhin V.V. 1997. Die Verbreitung von Proserpinus proserpina (Pallas, 1772) in Osteuropa und Mittelasien (Lepidoptera, Sphingidae). Atalanta (Marktleuthen/Wurzburg). 28(1/2): 129-134.

Zagulajev A.K. & Zolotuhin V.V. 1998. New species of Solenobia Dup.(Lepidoptera, Psychidae) from Uzbekistan. Zool.Zhurn. 77(8): 898-902.

Zolotuhin V.V. 1998. On the forewing pattern of Hyles, Theretra & Hippotion (Lepidoptera, Sphingidae, Choerocampinae). Problemy entmologii v Rossii (Proc.XI Congr.XI entomol.), S.Petersburg, 166-167.

Zolotuhin V.V. 1998. Further synonymic notes in the Lasiocampidae (Lepidoptera) with description of a new Euthrix-species. Entomofauna (Zeitschrift fuer Entomologie). 19(4): 53-76.

Zolotuhin V.V. 1998. A new species of Psychidae from the Eastern Palaearctic (Lepidoptera, Psychidae). Entomofauna (Zeitschrift fuer Entomologie). 19(10): 189-194.

Zolotuhin V.V. & Treadaway C.J. & Witt T.J. 1998. The Lasiocampidae (Lepidoptera) of the Philippines. Nachr.entomol.Ver.Apollo (Frankfurt am Main), Suppl. 17: 133-222.

Anikin V.V. & Sachkov S.A. & Zolotuhin V.V. 1999. “Fauna lepidopterologica Volgo-Uralensis” 150 years later: changes and additions.Part 4.Coleophoridae, Gelechiidae, Symmocidae and Holcopogonidae (Insecta, Lepidoptera). Atalanta (Marktleuthen/Wurzburg). 29(1/4): 295-366.

Eitschberger U. & Zolotuhin V.V. 1999. Praephilotes anthracias (Christoph, 1877) - eine neue Tagfalter-Gattung und -Art fuer Europa (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae). Atalanta (Wuerzburg). 29(1/4): 141-148.

Zolotuhin V.V. 1999. Bhima Moore, 1888 is a junior subjective synonym of Pyrosis Oberthuer, 1880 (Lepidoptera, Lasiocampidae). Atalanta (Marktleuthen/Wurzburg). 29(1/4): 283-284.

Zolotuhin V.V. 1999. Cilix asiatica O.Bang-Haas, 1907 new for Europe (Lepidoptera, Drepanidae). Atalanta (Marktleuthen/Wurzburg). 29(1/4): 285-287.

Anikin V.V. & Sachkov S.A. & Zolotuhin V.V. 2000. “Fauna lepidopterologica Volgo-Uralensis” 150 years later: changes and additions.Part 2.Part and Sphinges (Insecta, Lepidoptera). Atalanta. 31: 265-292.

Anikin V.V. & Sachkov S.A. & Zolotuhin V.V. 2000. “Fauna lepidopterologica Volgo-Uralensis” 150 years later: changes and additions.Part 6.Part (Insecta, Lepidoptera). Atalanta. 31: 368-376.

Anikin V.V. & Sachkov S.A. & Zolotuhin V.V. & Antonova E.M. 2000. “Fauna lepidopterologica Volgo-Uralensis” 150 years later: changes and additions.Part 3.Part (Insecta, Lepidoptera). Atalanta. 31: 293-326.

Anikin V.V. & Sachkov S.A. & Zolotuhin V.V. & Sviridov A.V. 2000. “Fauna lepidopterologica Volgo-Uralensis” 150 years later: changes and additions.Part 5.Part (Insecta, Lepidoptera). Atalanta. 31: 327-367.

Ishukov S.E. & Zolotuhin V.V. 2000. To a systematics and biology of a black fly (Diptera, Similiidae) in the Uljanovsk Region - To a study of the Microlepidoptera of the Uljanovsk Region. Priroda Simbirskogo Povolzhja. 1: 84-87.

Naumann C.M. & Zolotuhin V.V. 2000. Arealweiterung fuer Akbesia davidi (Oberthuer, 1884) (Lepidoptera, Sphingidae). Ent.Z. 110(4): 124.

Zolotuhin V.V. 2000. To a study of Asiatic Lasiocampidae (Lepidoptera).4.Genus Micropacha Roepke, 1953. Tinea. 16(3): 151-160.

Zolotuhin V.V. 2000. To a study of the Microlepidoptera of the Uljanovsk Region. Priroda Simbirskogo Povolzhja. 1: 80-83.

Zolotuhin V.V. & Kostjuk I.Yu. 2000. Phantosoma Witti gen.et.sp.nov., a new autumn lasiocampid moth from Turkmenistan (Lasiocampidae). Nota lepid. 23(2): 141-146.

Zolotuhin V.V. & Witt T.J. 2000. Moths of Vietnam with special reference to Mt.Fan-si-pan, Teil 2. The Camptolominae of Vietnam and adjacent territories (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae). Entomofauna Supplement. 11: 1-12.

Zolotuhin V.V. & Witt T.J. 2000. Moths of Vietnam with special reference to Mt.Fan-si- pan", Teil 2. The Mirinidae of Vietnam. Entomofauna Supplement. 11: 13-24.

Zolotuhin V.V. & Witt T.J. 2000. Moths of Vietnam with special reference to Mt.Fan-si- pan", Teil 2. The Lasiocampidae of Vietnam. Entomofauna Supplement. 11: 25-104.

Zolotuhin V.V. & Witt T.J. 2000. The Lasiocampidae of Vietnam. Entomofauna Supplement. 11: 25 ff.

Zolotuhin V.V. & Witt T. 2000. Lasiocampidae of Nepal.Adenda and corrigenda to "Moths of Nepal", Parts 1-5.- Moths of Nepal. Tinea (Suppl.), part 6. 153-163.

Zolotuhin V.V. 2001. Contributions to the study of Asiatic Lasiocampidae.5.Descriptions of new species of Euthrix MEIGEN, 1830 and of related genera, with a synonymic note (Lepidoptera, Lasiocampidae). Atalanta. 32(3\4): 453-471.

Stekolnikov A.A. & Zolotuhin V.V. 2002. Phylogenetic Relations and Systematic Position of the Family Lemoniidae (Lepidoptera) with Reference to the Structure of the Skeleton and Muscles of Male Genitalia. Ent.Obozrenie. 81(3): 693-701.

Zolotuhin V.V. 2002. Studies on Asiatic Lasiocampidae (Lepidoptera), 6.Descriptions of new species from India, China and Thailand with further synonymic notes on some Chinese taxa. Ent.Z. 112(5): 135-140.

Zolotuhin V.V. 2003 [2004]. Materials on the fauna of Micropterigidae and Eriocraniidae (Lepidoptera) of Uljanovsk Region. In: Priroda Simbirskogo Povolzhia, 5 (pp. 67-68), , Uljanovsk.

Anikin V.V. & Sachkov S.A. & Zolotuhin V.V. 2004. “Fauna lepidopterologica Volgo-Uralensis” 150 years later: changes and additions.Part 8.Part (Insecta, Lepidoptera). Atalanta. 35(1/2): 141-151.

Nieukerken E.J.van. & Zolotuhin V.V. & Mistchenko A.V. 2004. Nepticulidae from the Volga and Ural Region. Nota lepidopterologica. 27: 125-157.

Zolotuhin V.V. & Witt T.J. 2004. New and little-known species of the Lasiocampidae (Lepidoptera) from China. Tinea. 18(1): 36-42.

Ignatyev N.N. & Zolotuhin V.V. 2005. A review of syntomids (Lepidoptera: Syntomidae) of Russia and adjacent territories.Part 1.Genus Syntomis Ochsenheimer, 1808. Eversmannia. 3-17.

Ignatyev N.N. & Zolotuhin V.V. 2005. A review of syntomids (Lepidoptera: Syntomidae) of Russia and adjacent territories.Part 1.Genus Dysauxes Hübner, 1826. Eversmannia. 27-49.

Komarov D.A. & Zolotuhin V.V. 2005. A new species of Meharia Chretien, 1915 (Cossidae) from the Lower Volga Region. Nota lepidopterologica. 28: 49-54.

Nedoshivina S.V. & Zolotuhin V.V. 2005. A new subspecies of Pelatea klugiana (Freyer, 1836) from the Middle Volga Region of Russia with notes on its morphology and life history (Tortricidae). Nota lepidopterologica. 28: 3-9.

Zolotuhin V.V. 2005. To a knowledge of the Gastropacha Ochs., 1810 species of the Stenophylloides Hmps.[1893] 1892 group (Lepidoptera, Lasiocampidae). Tinea. 18(4): 291-306.

Zolotuhin V.V. & Pinratana A. 2005. The Moths of Thailand. The.4., The Publ, St-Petersburg. 205.

Zolotuhin V.V. & Witt T.J. 2005. Contribution to the knowledge of Indonesian Lasiocampidae (Lepidoptera). Tinea. 18(5): 59-68. 11,3 MB

Ignatyev N.N. & Zolotuhin V.V. 2006. A review of syntomids (Lepidoptera: Syntomidae) of Russia and adjacent territories.Part 2.Genus Dysauxes Hubner, 1803. Eversmannia. 6: 27-49.

Pugaev S.N. & Zolotuhin V.V. 2006. Geometrid moths of the genus Dyscia Hübner, [1825] (Lepidoptera: Geometridae) from the Lower and Middle Volga. Eversmannia. 6(6): 3-12.

Zolotuhin V.V. & Holloway J.D. 2006. The Lasiocampidae of Sulawesi. Tinea. 19(3): 244-259.

Anikin V.V. & Sachkov S.A. & Zolotuhin V.V. 2007. “Fauna lepidopterologica Volgo-Uralensis” 150 years later: changes and additions.Part 11.Part Yponomeutoidea, Choreutidae et Galacticidae (Insecta, Lepidoptera). Atalanta. 37: 457-467.

Anikin V.V. & Sachkov S.A. & Zolotuhin V.V. 2007. “Fauna lepidopterologica Volgo-Uralensis” 150 years later: changes and additions.Part 12.Part & Scythrididae (Insecta, Lepidoptera). Atalanta. 38: 279-291.

Anikin V.V. & Sachkov S.A. & Zolotuhin V.V. & Lvovsky A.L. 2007. “Fauna lepidopterologica Volgo-Uralensis” 150 years later: changes and additions.Part 10.Part s.Part.(Insecta, Lepidoptera). Atalanta. 37: 446-456.

Anikin V.V. & Sachkov S.A. & Zolotuhin V.V. & Nedoshivina S.V. & Trofimofa T.A. 2007. “Fauna lepidopterologica Volgo-Uralensis” 150 years later: changes and additions.Part 9.Part (Insecta, Lepidoptera). Atalanta. 37: 409-445.

Anikin V.V. & Sachkov S.A. & Zolotuhin V.V. & Sinev S.Yu. 2007. “Fauna lepidopterologica Volgo-Uralensis” 150 years later: changes and additions.Yu 13.Yu s.Yu.(Insecta, Lepidoptera). Atalanta. 38: 293-300.

Gurkovich A.V. & Zolotuhin V.V. 2007. A review of the genus Pachypasa Walker, 1855 (Lepidoptera, Lasiocampidae) of African fauna. Proceedings XIII Congress of Russian entomological Society,. 15: 86-87.

Zolotuhin V.V. 2007. On the identity of the Turkish species of the Eriogaster rimicola-group (Lasiocampidae). Nota lepidopterologica. 30(1): 45-50.

Zolotuhin V.V. 2007. Lasiocampidae (Lepidoptera: Lasiocampoidea). Esperiana, Memoir. 4: 205-214.

Zolotuhin V.V. 2007. An annotated distributional check-list of the genus Trichiura Stephens, 1828 with description of six new taxa, especially from Asia Minor (Lepidoptera: Lasiocampidae). Nachr.Ent.Ver.Apollo Suppl. 19: 37-48.

Zolotuhin V.V. & Hauenstein A. 2007. A new species of Euthrix Meigen, 1820 from eastern China (Lepidoptera: Lasiocampidae). Nachr.A.A.A Suppl. 19: 35-36.

Zolotuhin V.V. & Pugaev S.N. 2007. To a study of the Genus Oreta Walker, 1855 (Lepidoptera: Drepanidae) of the fauna of Russia. Eversmannia. 11/12: 14-18.

Zolotuhin V.V. & Witt T.J. 2007. A Revision of the Genus Pyrosis OBERTHÜR, 1880 (= Bhima MOORE, 1888) (Lepidoptera, Lasiocampidae). Nachr. entomol. Ver. Apollo Supplement. 19: 1-31. 26,4 MB

Zolotuhin V.V. & Witt T.J. 2007. A new genus and a new species of the Lasiocampidae (Lepidoptera) from Pakistan. Nachr.entomol.Ver.Apollo Supplement. 19: 32-34. 2,9 MB

Gurkovich A.V. & Zolotuhin V.V. 2008. Unusual case of gynandromorphism in Mimopacha knoblauchi Dewitz, 1881 with preliminary remarks on sex determination in the Lasiocampidae (Lepidoptera). Tinea. 20(3): 148–151.

Gurkovich A.V. & Zolotuhin V.V. 2008. A review of the genus Odontocheilopteryx Wallengren, 1860 (Lepidoptera, Lasiocampidae) of African fauna. Entomofauna Monographie 2. 15:

Zolotuhin V.V. & Solovyev A.V. 2008. Bombyx flavomarginata Poujade, 1886, – a limacodid species misplaced in the Lasiocampidae (Lepidoptera: Limacodidae). Tinea (Japan). 20(2): 98–101.

Gurkovich A.V. & Zolotuhin V.V. 2009. A revision of the African Odontocheilopteryx Wallengren, 1860 (Lepidoptera, Lasiocampidae). Neue Entomologische Nachrichten. 63: 77-101.

Gurkovich A.V. & Zolotuhin V.V. 2009. Mariaeia DUFRANE, 1945, a lasiocampid genus misplaced in the Chrysopolomidae (Insecta: Lepidoptera). Entomofauna. 30(18): 289-300.

Zolotuhin V.V. & Gurkovich A.V. 2009. A review of the genus Pachypasa Walker, 1855 sensu lato in Africa (Lepidoptera, Lasiocampidae). Neue Entomologische Nachrichten. 63: 1-75.

Zolotuhin V.V. & Gurkovich A.V. 2009. Synonymic notes on African Lasiocampidae (Insecta: Lepidoptera). Entomofauna. 30(17): 273-288.

Zolotuhin V.V. & Saldaitis A. 2009. Smerinthus visinskasi sp.nov.- a misinterpreted sphingid species from north-western Kazakhstan (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae). Tinea. 20(5): 312-315.

Zolotuhin V.V. & Witt T.J. 2009. The Bombycidae of Vietnam (Lepidoptera). Entomofauna Supplement. 16: 231-272.

Pugaev S.N. & Zolotuhin V.V. 2010. To a study of the preimaginal instars of Pseudojana incandescens WALKER, 1855 (Lepidoptera: Eupterotidae) with remarks on biology of the species (Lepidoptera: Eupterotidae). Neue entomologische Nаchrichten. in print.

Zolotuhin V.V. & Gurkovich A.V. 2010. A review of the genus Pachypasa Walker, 1855 (Lepidoptera, Lasiocampidae) sensu lato of African fauna. Entomofauna Monographie 2. 15:

Hauenstein Armin & Siegfried Ihle & Sinjaev V.V. & Zolotuhin V.V. 2011. The Lasiocampidae of Bhutan (Lepidoptera). Neue entomologische Nachrichten. 67: 27-35.

Pugaev S.N. & Zolotuhin V.V. 2011. To a study of the preimaginal instars of Pseudojana incandescens Walker, 1855 (Lepidoptera: Eupterotidae) with remarks on biology of the species. Neue entomologische Nachrichten. 67: 57-61.

Zolotuhin V.V. 2011. A short note on Phyllodesma (Epicnaptera) priapus de Lajonquière, 1963 (Lepidoptera: Lasiocampidae). Neue entomologische Nachrichten. 67: 1-2.

Zolotuhin V.V. 2011. The Actias Leach, 1815, in the Far East: how many species? (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae). Neue entomologische Nachrichten. 67: 40-56.

Zolotuhin V.V. & Didmanidze E.A. & Petrov.V.A. 2011. A List of Bombycidae, Endromididae, Saturniidae, Lemoniidae and Brahmaeidae (Lepidoptera) of Georgia and neighboring countries. Neue entomologische Nachrichten. 67: 63-72.

Zolotuhin V.V. & Kurshakov P.A. 2011. Fine sculpture and phylogenetic implications of egg shell morphology in the Lasiocampidae (Lepidoptera, Lasiocampidae). Neue entomologische Nachrichten. 67: 3-21.

Zolotuhin V.V. & Pugaev S.N. & Sinjaev V.V. & Witt T. 2011. The biology of Mirinidae with description of preimaginal instars of Mirina confucius Zolotuhin & Witt, 2000 (Lepidoptera, Mirinidae). Tinea. 21(4): 189-198. 8,5 MB

Zolotuhin V.V. & Ryabov S.A. 2011. Remarks on the sphingid fauna of Vietnam (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae). Neue entomologische Nachrichten. 67: 89-91.

Zolotuhin V.V. & Saldaitis A. 2011. Does Hyles chuvilini present a taxonomic problem? (Lepidoptera, Sphingidae) . Neue entomologische Nachrichten. 67: 73-78.

Zolotuhin V.V. & Sinyaev V.V. 2011. The Lasiocampidae (Lepidoptera) of Laos.Part 2. Neue entomologische Nachrichten. 67: 37-39.

Zolotuhin V.V. & Tran T.D. 2011. A new species of the Bombycidae (Lepidoptera) for the fauna of Vietnam with erection of a new genus, and remarks on biology of Prismosticta Butler, 1880. Tinea. 21(4): 179-183.

Zolotuhin V. & Saldaitis A. 2011. Does Hyles chuvilini Eitschberger, Danner & Surholt, 1998 present a taxonomic problem? . Atalanta. 42(3/4): 63–74.

Золотухин В.В. & Антошин Д.А. 2011. Lemonia strigata Rougeot et Viette, 1978, stat.n., и L.ballioni (Christoph, 1888) (Lepidoptera: Lemoniidae) в европейской фауне, с таксономическими замечаниями по родственным видам и описанием нового подвида. Эверсманния. 25-26: 9-24.

Kurshakov P.A. & Zolotuhin V.V. 2013. A review of Ectropa Wallengren, 1863 (Lepidoptera: Chrysopolomidae) with descriptions of a new genus and 5 new species. SHILAP. 41(164): 431-447.

Kurshakov P.A. & Zolotuhin V.V. 2013. A review of the genus Strigivenifera Hering, 1937 (Lepidoptera, Chrysopolomidae) with a description of ten new species. Entomological Review. 93(7): 904-919.

Zolotuhin V.V. & Kurshakov P.A. & Solovyev A.V. 2013. The use of muscle morphology of Chrysopolomidae (Lepidoptera) genitalic appendages in developing a family system. Zoologicheskii Zhurnal. 92(10): 1222-1230.

Золотухин В.В. & Куршаков П.A. & Соловьев А.В. 2013. Использование морфологии мускулатуры генитальных придатков хризополомид (Lepidoptera: Chrysopolomidae) в построении системы группы. Зоологический журнал. 92(10): 1222–1230.

Куршаков П.A. & Золотухин В.В. 2013. Обзор рода Strigivenifera Hering, 1937 (Lepidoptera, Chrysopolomidae) с описанием десяти новых видов. Зоологический журнал. 92(7): 808–824.

Zolotuhin V.V. & Kurshakov P.A. & Solovyev A.V. 2014. The use of muscle Morphology of the Genital Appendages of Chrysopolomidae (Lepidoptera) in Developing the Family System. Entomological Review. 94(2): 181-189.

Zolotuhin V.V. & Kurshakov P.A. & Solovyev A.V. 2014. The use of muscle morphology of Chrysopolomidae (Lepidoptera) genitalic appendages in developing a family system. Entomological Review. 94(2): 181–189.