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Über (16) Thyatiridae Die zahlreichen Expeditionen ungarischer Forscherteams, die Ende des 20.Jahrhunderts in die Himalayaregion zu allen Jahreszeiten unternommen wurden brachten aus den bisher kaum erforschten Wintermonaten neben Noctuidae und Geometridae auch eine unerwartete Fülle von Material der Familie Thyatiridae. Diese Familie hat neben Noctuidae und Geometridae als einzige weitere Heterocera-Familie einen Schwerpunkt des Erscheinens zu dieser Jahreszeit, wodurch das Interesse der Noctuidae-Spezialisten L. und G.RONKAY sowie des Geometridae-Spezialisten G.M. LÁSZLÓ geweckt wurde, dieses Material, das gemäß getroffener Vereinbarungen geschlossen ans Museum WITT gelangte, auch zu bearbeiten. Die dort bereits vorhandenen Materialeingänge aus angrenzenden Regionen zeigten sehr schnell daß eine erschöpfende Bearbeitung nur im Rahmen einer Gesamtrevision der Familie mit Typenstudium durchgeführt werden konnte, also einem Vorhaben das genau den Forschungszielen von Thomas WITT entsprach. Nach etwa 10-jähriger Bearbeitungszeit erscheint nun 2007 in der Buchreihe ESPERIANA (Band 13) diese Revision mit dem Titel „The Thyatiridae of Eurasia including the Sundaland and New Guinea (Lepidoptera)” aus der Feder des Autorenteams Gyula M. LÁSZLÓ, Gábor RONKAY, László RONKAY und Thomas WITT. Grundlage und Dokumentation dieser Bearbeitung bildet die Sammlung im Museum WITT, deren Bedeutung am besten im Vorwort /Preface zu dieser Revision geschildert wird. The Thyatiridae of Eurasia including the Sundaland and New Guinea, Preface The present work is a result of an almost ten-years long study of the authors having rather different former interest in the lepidopterology. Only one of us had previous experience on the taxonomy and systematics of the wide sense „bombycoid” families since the three Hungarian authors worked with different Geometridae and Noctuidae groups. But the „false owlet moths” display a great number of noctuoid features which make this very fascinating lepidopteran family even more interesting for the noctuid workers. The final impetus was given during the intensive studies of the „winter moth fauna” of the Himalayan region: to our great surprise, it was found that the Macrolepidoptera fauna of the cold aspects has not been restricted to the „ordinary” Noctuidae and Geometridae but a diverse Thyatiridae assemblage is present in practically all winter aspects. Moreover, it is proved that Thyatiridae is the only large Heterocera group which shares this long and still rather poorly explored period with the Noctuidae and Geometridae in the wide sense Himalayan region. The best marker of the richness of this fauna is the fact that the HNHM Budapest has become the second largest European Thyatiridae collection in the mirror of the species numbers within six years! Originally we thought to deal with the winter genera and species and the first discoveries were published in separate papers but the need of the full revision of the family became obvious even in the early period of the studies. We had to face unsolved problems not only in the treatment of the highly specialised and partly newly discovered Himalayan-Sino-Pacific groups but even in such well-known, partly European genera like Habrosyne and Thyatira (and Horithyatira, Macrothyatira, Gaurena etc.). It should be stated that the lack of the proper investigations of an amazingly large portion of the type specimens led to several mistakes in the former and the rather recent monographic works as well. A lucky and encouraging condition is that the overwhelming majority of the type material of the formerly described species-rank taxa is preserved in four giant collections (BMNH London, ZMHU Berlin, ZFMK Bonn and ZS Munich), the Matsumura types have been studies and documented by INOUE and YOSHIMOTO (and we could access the colour slides of the specimens) and the most recent expedition material, including the newly described Himalayan-Sino-Pacific taxa are harboured first of all in the WITT Museum, Munich, in a smaller quantity in the HNHM Budapest and the NSM Tokyo. Another important advantage of our studies in comparison with our ancestors in this field is the great increase of the material available. The Thyatiridae collection of the WITT Museum comprises some 50,000 specimens, therefore is supposedly larger than all other museum collections. As a typical example, the total number of the Epipsestis specimens preserved in the largest European museums (BMNH, ZFMK, ZSM and ZMHU) altogether less than 500 while we could study more than 12,000 additional individuals! These facts provided the basement of this great venture: the preparation of the monograph of the entire Eurasian fauna of a large Heteroceran family. The elaboration of the monograph was unexpectedly lengthy, mostly due to the detailed examination and documentation of the type material and, the continuous discoveries of new species. A propitious moment in this long process that the technical conditions of the digital photography became increasingly better during this period, therefore the quality of our colour images and microscopic photographs could also be remarkably improved and we are able to provide impressive illustrations about these really beautiful animals. It is our pleasure to present this book to all lepidopterists, hoping that the readers will read and use it with joy and success. Budapest and Munich, 2nd May, 2007Gyula M. LÁSZLÓ, Gábor RONKAY, László RONKAY and Thomas J. WITT Der gesamte Bestand ist dargestellt unter: Virtuelle Sammlungen Neuerscheinung: Laszlo, Gy. M., G. Ronkay , L. Ronkay and T. Witt The Thyatiridae of Eurasia including the Sundaland and New Guinea (Lepidoptera)ESPERIANA Buchreihe zur Entomologie 13: 1-683, 42 Farbtafeln. Schwanfeld, 18. Juli 2007, ISBN 3-938249-06-4. Zu beziehen siehe:Esperiana.net, Inhalt Band 13 Taxonomic and nomenclatural summary Type designations Lectotype designations Asphalia nigrofascicula Graeser, 1888 = Neoploca arctipennis (Butler, 1878) Cymatophora argenteopicta Oberthür, 1879 = Parapsestis argenteopicta (Oberthür, 1879) Cymatophora maxima Leech, [1889] = Euparyphasma maxima (Leech, [1889]) Cymatophora subampliata Houlbert, 1921 = Tethea subampliata (Houlbert, 1921) Gaurena albifasciata Gaede, 1930 Gaurena argentisparsa Hampson, 1896 Gaurena florescens Walker, 1865 Gaurena gemella Leech, 1900 Gaurena grisescens Oberthür, 1893 Gaurena lichenea Hampson [1893] = Parapsestis lichenea (Hampson, [1893]) Gaurena olivacea Houlbert, 1921 Gaurena sinuata Warren, 1912 Gonophora indica Moore, 1867 = Habrosyne indica (Moore, 1867) Habrosyne fraterna Moore, 1888 Habrosyne sanguinea Moore, 1882 Lithocharis cinereofusca (Houlbert, 1921) = Euparyphasma albibasis cinereofusca (Houlbert, 1921) Lithocharis obscura Sick, 1941 = Euparyphasma obscura (Sick, 1941) Melanocraspes fasciata Houlbert, 1921 = Macrothyatira fasciata (Houlbert, 1921) Palimpsestis cuprina Moore, 1881 = Isopsestis cuprina (Moore, 1881) Polyploca albibasis Hampson, [1893] = Euparyphasma albibasis (Hampson, [1893]) Polyploca decorata Sick, 1941 = Nemacerota decorata (Sick, 1941) Polyploca korbi Rebel, 1901 Polyploca nigrifasciata (Warren, 1915) = Epipsestis dubia dubia Warren, 1888 Saronaga consimilis Warren, 1912 = Tethea consimilis (Warren, 1912) Saronaga oberthueri Houlbert, 1921 = Tethea oberthueri (Houlbert, 1921) Spilobasis curvata Sick, 1941 = Neotogaria curvata (Sick, 1941) Spilobasis hoenei Sick, 1941 = Neotogaria hoenei (Sick, 1941) Spilobasis minor Sick, 1941 = Horipsestis aenea minor (Sick, 1941) Thyatira albicosta Moore, 1867 Thyatira conspicua Leech, 1900 = Macrothyatira conspicua (Leech, 1900) Thyatira flavimargo Leech, 1900 = Macrothyatira flavimargo (Leech, 1900) Thyatira hedemanni Christoph, 1885 Thyatira hoenei Sick, 1941 = Macrothyatira oblonga (Poujade, 1887) Thyatira likiangensis Sick, 1941 = Macrothyatira stramineata likiangensis (Sick, 1941) Thyatira opalescens Alpheraky, 1897 = Psidopala opalescens (Alpheraky, 1897) Thyatira ornata Leech, 1900 = Psidopala ornata (Leech, 1900) Thyatira tapaischana Sick, 1941 = Macrothyatira flavida tapaischana (Sick, 1941) Thyatira violacea Fixsen, 1887 = Habrosyne violacea (Fixsen, 1887) Neotype designation Melanocraspes subaureata Sick, 1941 = Macrothyatira subaureata (Sick, 1941) Newly described taxa Newly described genera Koedfoltos gen. n. Toelgyfaloca gen. n. Newly described species (two taxa, Neotogaria thomaswitti and Epipsestis witti, are dedicated to Thomas Witt, founder of the Museum Witt, by the three other authors of the present book) Demopsestis yoshimotoi sp. n. Epipsestis witti László, Ronkay & Ronkay sp. n. Epipsestis wernyi sp. n. Horipsestis kisvaczak sp. n. Isopsestis meyi sp. n. Isopsestis moorei sp. n. Isopsestis naumanni sp. n. Koedfoltos hackeri sp. n. Koedfoltos parducka sp. n. Nemacerota bacsovi sp. n. Nemacerota igorkostjuki sp. n. Nemacerota inouei sp. n. Nemacerota mandibulata sp. n Nemacerota matsumurana sp. n. Nemacerota owadai sp. n. Nemacerota stueningi sp. n. Nemacerota taurina sp. n. Neotogaria baenzigeri sp. n. Neotogaria thomaswitti László, Ronkay & Ronkay sp. n. Parapsestis cinerea sp. n. Parapsestis dabashana sp. n. Parapsestis hausmanni sp. n. Parapsestis implicata sp. n. Parapsestis wernyaminta sp. n. Polyploca latens sp. n. Psidopala paeoniola sp. n. Psidopala warreni sp. n. Tethea longisigna sp. n. Thyatira philippina sp. n. Wernya hreblayi sp. n. Wernya zita sp. n Newly described subspecies Euparyphasma albibasis guankaiyuni ssp. n. Horipsestis aenea roseobasalis ssp. n. Horipsestis mushana schintlmeisteri ssp. n. Mimopsestis basalis sinensis ssp. n. Neotogaria saitonis sinjaevi ssp. n. Nothoploca nigripunctata fansipana ssp. n. Parapsestis argenteopicta annamica ssp. n. Parapsestis argenteopicta nepalina ssp. n. Parapsestis cinerea pacifica ssp. n. Parapsestis lichenea splendida ssp. n. Parapsestis lichenea tsinlinga ssp. n. Parapsestis tomponis almasderes ssp. n. Revised status, stat. rev., Status nova, stat. n., Bona species, bona sp. Raised to species Achlya jezoensis (Matsumura, 1927) bona sp. Achlya tateyamai Inoue, 1982 bona sp. Demopsestis mahendrai Yoshimoto, 1993 bona sp. Epipsestis nigropunctata nigropunctata (Sick, 1941) stat. rev. Habrona caerulescens Warren, 1915 stat. rev. Habrona concinna Warren, 1915 stat. rev. Horithyatira diehli Werny, 1966 stat. rev. Horithyatira ornata (Roepke, 1944) stat. rev. Macrothyatira labiata (Gaede, 1930) stat. rev. Nemacerota lobbichleri Werny, 1966 bona sp. Polyploca neoridens Parenzan, 1976 stat. rev. Tethea punctorenalia (Houlbert, 1921) bona sp. Raised to subspecies Euparyphasma albibasis cinereofusca Houlbert, 1921 stat. n. Horithyatira decorata kawamurae (Matsumura, 1921) stat. n. Macrothyatira arizana diminuta (Houlbert, 1921) stat. n. Macrothyatira stramineata likiangensis (Sick, 1941) stat. n. Tethea or terrosa (Graeser, 1888) stat. rev. Thyatira batis pallida Rothschild, 1920 stat. rev. Downgraded to subspecies Epipsestis nigropunctata perornata Inoue, 1972 stat. n. Gaurena sinuata dierli Werny, 1966 stat. n. Gaurena sinuata fletcheri Werny, 1966 stat. n. Habrosyne intermedia conscripta Warren, 1912 stat. n. Macrothyatira subaureata danieli Werny, 1966 stat. n. New synonyms Taxa previously regarded as valid genus Microthyatira Werny, 1966 syn. n. of Nemacerota Hampson, [1893] Togaria Matsumura, 1921 syn. n. of Nemacerota Hampson, [1893] Taxa previously regarded as valid species Asphalia nigrofascicula Graeser, 1888, syn. n. of Neoploca arctipennis (Butler, 1878) Cymatophora intermedia Houlbert, 1921, syn. n. of Tethea or terrosa (Graeser, 1888) Cymotrix decora Gaede, 1930 syn. n. of Habrona brunnea Bethune-Baker, 1908 Cymotrix submarginalis Gaede, 1930 syn. n. of Habrona concinna Warren, 1915 Gaurena trimacula Gaede, 1930 syn. n. of Habrona marmorata Warren, 1915 Horithyatira assamensis Werny, 1966, syn. n. of Horithyatira diehli Werny, 1966 Mimopsestis determinata Bryk, 1943 syn. n. of Parapsestis pseudomaculata (Houlbert, 1921) Psidopala ebba Bryk, 1943, syn. n. of Psidopala undulans (Hampson, [1893]) Psidopala pseudoornata Werny, 1966 syn. n. of Psidopala ornata ornata (Leech, 1900) Palimpsestis brunnea Leech, 1900 syn. n. of Paragnorima fuscescens (Hampson, [1893]) Spilobasis curvata Sick, 1941 syn. n. of Neotogaria flammifera (Houlbert, 1921) Togaria suzukiana Matsumura, 1921 syn. n. of Nemacerota tancrei (Graeser, 1888) Taxa previously regarded as valid subspecies Achlya flavicornis finmarchica Schöyen, 1881 syn. n. of Achlya flavicornis (Linnaeus, 1758) Achlya flavicornis meridionalis Wolfsberger, 1968 syn. n. of Achlya flavicornis (Linnaeus, 1758) Achlya longipennis inokoi Inoue, 1982 syn. n. of Achlya tateyamai Inoue, 1982 Epipsestis perornata sicki Yoshimoto, 1988 syn. n of Epipsestis nigropunctata nigropunctata (Sick, 1941) Gaurena albifasciata likiangensis Werny, 1966 syn. n. of Gaurena margaritha Werny, 1966 Gaurena albifasciata nepalensis Werny, 1966 syn. n. of Gaurena albifasciata Gaede, 1930 Gaurena argentisparsa eberti Werny, 1966 syn. n. of Gaurena argentisparsa Hampson, 1896 Gaurena aurofasciata bryki Werny, 1966 syn. n. of Gaurena aurofasciata Hampson, [1893] Gaurena florens obscura Werny, 1966 syn. n. of Gaurena florens Walker, 1865 Gaurena florens oliva Werny, 1966 syn. n. of Gaurena florens Walker, 1865 Gaurena florens yuennanensis Werny, 1966 syn. n. of Gaurena florens Walker, 1865 Gaurena florescens albomaculata Werny, 1966 syn. n. of Gaurena florescens Walker, 1865 Gaurena florescens burmanica Werny, 1966 syn. n. of Gaurena florescens Walker, 1865 Gaurena gemella flavescens Werny, 1966 syn. n. of Gaurena florescens Walker, 1865 Habrosyne albipuncta szechwanensis Werny, 1966 syn. n. of Habrosyne albipuncta angulifera (Gaede, 1930) Habrosyne argenteipuncta burmanica Werny, 1966 syn. n. of Habrosyne violacea argenteipuncta Hampson, [1893] Habrosyne argenteipuncta chinensis Werny, 1966 syn. n. of Habrosyne violacea violacea (Fixsen, 1887) Habrosyne argenteipuncta nigricans Werny, 1966 syn. n. of Habrosyne violacea argenteipuncta Hampson, [1893] Habrosyne argenteipuncta pallescens Werny, 1966 syn. n. of Habrosyne violacea violacea (Fixsen, 1887) Habrosyne argenteipuncta szechwana Werny, 1966 syn. n. of Habrosyne violacea argenteipuncta Hampson, [1893] Habrosyne aurorina moellendorfi (Fixsen, 1887) syn. n. of Habrosyne aurorina aurorina (Butler, 1881) Habrosyne conscripta nepalensis Werny, 1966 syn. n.of Habrosyne intermedia conscripta Warren, 1912 Habrosyne dieckmanni urupina Bryk, 1941 syn. n. of Habrosyne dieckmanni (Graeser, 1888) Habrosyne dieckmanni roseola Matsumura, 1909 syn. n. of Habrosyne dieckmanni (Graeser, 1888) Habrosyne fraterna chekiangensis Werny, 1966 syn. n. of Habrosyne indica (Moore, 1867) Habrosyne fraterna japonica Werny, 1966 syn. n. of Habrosyne indica (Moore, 1867) Habrosyne indica aurata Werny, 1966 syn. n. of Habrosyne indica (Moore, 1867) Habrosyne indica flavescens Werny, 1966 syn. n. of Habrosyne indica (Moore, 1867) Habrosyne indica grisea Werny, 1966 syn. n. of Habrosyne indica (Moore, 1867) Habrosyne indica malaisei Bryk, 1943 syn. n. of Habrosyne indica (Moore, 1867) Habrosyne petrographa (sic!) tapaischana Werny, 1966 syn. n. of Habrosyne pterographa (Poujade, 1887) Habrosyne pyritoides ochracea Werny, 1966 syn. n. of Habrosyne pyritoides derasoides (Butler, 1878) Haplothyatira unipunctata dubitatrix Bryk, 1943, syn. n. of Paragnorima fuscescens (Hampson, [1893]) Macrothyatira fasciata shansiensis Werny, 1966 syn. n. of Macrothyatira fasciata (Houlbert, 1921) Palimpsestis duplaris kamschadalis Sheljuzhko, 1926 syn. n. of Ochropacha duplaris (Linnaeus, 1767) Palimpsestis fluctosa isshikii Matsumura, 1921, syn. n. of Tetheella fluctuosa (Hübner, [1803]) Psidopala ornata yuennanensis Werny, 1966 syn. n. of Psidopala ornata ornata (Leech, 1900) Psidopala pseudoornata indecorata Werny, 1966 syn. n. of Psidopala ornata ornata (Leech, 1900) Psidopala tenuis falkneri Werny, 1966 syn. n. of Psidopala tenuis (Hampson, 1896) Stenopsestis alternata bryki Yoshimoto, 1993 syn. n. of Stenopsestis alternata (Moore, 1881) Tethea akanensis koreibia Bryk, 1948 syn. n. of Tethea or terrosa (Graeser, 1888) Tethea albicosta birmanica Werny, 1966 syn. n. of Tethea albicosta (Moore, 1867) Tethea albicostata contrastata Werny, 1966 syn. n. of Tethea albicostata (Bremer, 1861) Tethea albicostata japonibia Werny, 1966 syn. n. of Tethea albicostata (Bremer, 1861) Tethea albicostata koreonaga Bryk, 1948 syn. n. of Tethea albicostata (Bremer, 1861) Tethea albicostata montana Werny, 1966 syn. n. of Tethea albicostata (Bremer, 1861) Tethea ampliata griseofasciata Werny, 1966 syn. n. of Tethea ampliata shansiensis Werny, 1966 Tethea ampliata var. askoldensis (Houlbert, 1921) syn. n. of Tethea ampliata ampliata (Butler, 1878) Tethea angustata Staudinger, 1885 syn. n. of Tethea octogesima octogesima (Butler, 1878) Tethea consimilis birohoensis Werny, 1966 syn. n. of Tethea consimilis consimilis (Warren, 1912) Tethea consimilis flavescens Werny, 1966 syn. n. of Tethea consimilis consimilis (Warren, 1912) Tethea consimilis hoenei Werny, 1966 syn. n. of Tethea consimilis consimilis (Warren, 1912) Tethea consimilis szechwanensis Werny, 1966 syn. n. of Tethea consimilis commifera (Warren, 1912) Tethea oberthueri chekiangensis Werny, 1966 syn. n. of Tethea oberthueri oberthueri (Houlbert, 1921) Tethea oberthueri fukienensis Werny, 1966 syn. n. of Tethea oberthueri oberthueri (Houlbert, 1921) Tethea oberthueri monticola Bryk, 1943 syn. n. of Tethea oberthueri oberthueri (Houlbert, 1921) Tethea oberthueri occidentalis Werny, 1966 syn. n. of Tethea oberthueri oberthueri (Houlbert, 1921) Tethea octogesima var. caucasica Krulikowsky, 1901, syn. n. of Tethea ocularis ocularis (Linnaeus, 1767) Tethea ocularis caucasica Werny, 1966 syn. n. of Tethea ocularis ocularis (Linnaeus, 1767) Tethea ocularis kosswigi Werny, 1966 syn. n. of Tethea ocularis ocularis (Linnaeus, 1767) Tethea ocularis orientalis Werny, 1966 syn. n. of Tethea ocularis osthelderi (Bytinski-Salz & Brandt, 1937) Tethea ocularis tsinlingensis Werny, 1966 syn. n. of Tethea ocularis amurensis (Warren, 1912) Tethea or nigrescens Werny, 1966 syn. n. of Tethea or or ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775) Tetheella fluctuosa isshikii (Matsumura, 1921) syn. n. of Tetheella fluctuosa (Hübner, [1803]) Thyatira batis japonica Werny, 1966 syn. n. of Thyatira batis batis (Linnaeus, 1758) Thyatira batis mandschurica Werny, 1966 syn. n. of Thyatira batis batis (Linnaeus, 1758) Thyatira hedemanni elbursina Werny, 1966 syn. n. of Thyatira hedemanni Christoph, 1885 Thyatira rubrescens assamensis Werny, 1966 syn. n. of Thyatira batis rubrescens Werny, 1966 Thyatira rubrescens kwangtungensis Werny, 1966 syn. n. of Thyatira batis rubrescens Werny, 1966 Thyatira rubrescens nepalensis Werny, 1966 syn. n. of Thyatira batis rubrescens Werny, 1966 Thyatira rubrescens obscura Werny, 1966 syn. n. of Thyatira batis rubrescens Werny, 1966 Thyatira rubrescens orientalis Werny, 1966 syn. n. of Thyatira batis rubrescens Werny, 1966 Thyatira rubrescens szechwana Werny, 1966 syn. n. of Thyatira batis rubrescens Werny, 1966 Thyatira rubrescens tienmushana Werny, 1966 syn. n. of Thyatira batis rubrescens Werny, 1966 Thyatira rubrescens vietnamensis Werny, 1966 syn. n. of Thyatira batis rubrescens Werny, 1966 New combinations Habrona marmorata Warren, 1915 comb. n. Nemacerota tancrei (Graeser, 1888) comb. n. Nemacerota griseobasalis (Sick, 1941) comb. n. Nemacerota decorata (Sick, 1941) comb. n. Nemacerota pectinata (Houlbert, 1921) comb. n. Toelgyfaloca circimdata (Houlbert, 1921) comb. n. Toelgyfaloca albogrisea (Mell, 1942) comb. n. Thyatira delattini (Werny, 1966) comb. n. Thyatira florina (Gaede, 1930) comb. n. Incertae sedis Macrothyatira transitans (Houlbert, 1921) incertae sedis |